Friday, January 9, 2009

MR. Frank Breech...

Title is in honor of Kendra... (Who is so fun to work with.. specially at night when we're sleep deprived!) Anyway...
I sat down to write this blog oh... about 4 hours ago... In the meantime I broke up fights between my 3 darling youngest children who decided that since they don't get to go to the Martial Arts Class with the older 4... they would just practice on eachother! Nice... :/ Then lets see... I sat down with my coffee and no sooner had I turned my computer back on then our helper Heide came in to tell me that there was no more Shellane (gas) for our stove... Since Joe was out with the kids and the guys who can deliver Shellane were out... what to do?? We are Alaskans and missionaries... so no worries... we just built a fire in the driveway and cooked over the fire... Hamburgers AND french fries! Yum!
Anyway.. back to the title.. Last night I had a feeling it was going to be busy... mostly because I brought my computer thinking I would knock out a book report and some homework... And.. because I forgot snacks and only brought ONE packet of coffee... All this combined would logically make me conclude that it would be busy..
So.. we were endorsed a couple labors... My gal was having her 4th baby so no worries right? Then MG got a G1 who was a little freaked out that labor was hurting so much and taking so long... As soon as we finished up endorsements another labor walked in the door... another G4.... The same cm's as my labor... KC took her and we declared a race between the two to see who would deliver sooner... Dips was on my gal as she seemed more active than KC's...
So... ya with me still... 3 labors... Then another labor came in.. This time our supervisor (a midwife visitng from the states that used to work at MMC) took her... Upon IE, it was determined she was breech and an immediate transport was necessary... specially when she had SROM (her water broke) as we walked out the door... which meant we had to do the whole stretcher routine... Since our supervisor couldn't leave the birth room I volunteered to head to the hospital with the breech gal... As we're driving to the hospital I told God that I really wanted to see a breech born... (ok I was whining)... not that I wanted to deliver this particular gals breech since it was her first baby and we were in a moving ambulance... but the funny thing was I felt so clearly that God told me I would see a breech... and soon!
So... gal #4 was transported with no complications and I returned to hear that my labor felt like pushing... AND both other labors were also pushing... Ok.. no worries right... The supervisor asked me if I wanted to assist KC's gal since there was BOW visible (Bag of Waters)... I said that I would rather chart as that was I could sit between the cubicles and keep an eye on my labor who was starting to push (although wasn't 'serious' yet). There was SROM a minute or two later on KC's gal... and a little squirt of poo went flying after... KC turned to look back at the woman and found herself staring at a little scrotal sac and penis! Oops... :) Breech!! And no time for transport. Amazingly all midwives stayed calm, we set up resuscitation equipment in case the need arose... got all things prepared, gathered more towels, ect... then just watched the baby slowly emerge... a litte more.. little more... Amazing how they can stick those feet up over their heads like that! At about umbilicus the baby's feet were helped out, arms were made sure they were down and out... then in a slow, steady motion upwards the baby's head popped out... baby out!! Safe and sound the little guy was! A/S was 5/7 (for those midwives out there)... Only a couple puffs with PPV and he was good to go.
Ok... so... that didn't end the night... My patient had a very long, very interesting delivery as did MG's... And my patient ended up delivering LAST... Almost 3 hours after she had originally started pushing (she rested for the hour while the breech was born)... BUt eventually a nice healthy 9 lb baby made its way into the world! (This is exceptionally large for a filipina... although her last baby was over 9lbs)... The baby's head was slighly cockeyed (not straight) in the birth canal... which is part of what held up the head from coming down at a normal rate.
Anyway... it was an amazing night... so blessed to see a normal breech delivery! Now if I can add twins under my belt.... ;) Someday...
Ok.. that's it for today... I'm kapoy ka'ayo!!! (VERY tired)!

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