Thursday, May 28, 2009

A very weird day indeed

Yesterday I headed off to day shift, not sure what the day would entail... I was endorsed an immediate postpartum... A 19 yo had just given birth to a baby with a large cleft palate... It was a good time of showing the parents how great and amazing their baby was... the dad warmed up and held the baby for a long time... by the time the day was done they were definitely coping much better and on their way to be 100% in love w/ their baby. Another baby was delivered via using the vacuum extraction machine... a rarity at MMC... it went well and the baby is doing well... but it had some congenital anomalies and is also be referred to our back up pediatrician... Another baby was born at shift change... I was in position to 'catch' this one, but was happy when swing shift came and took over. Then two more labors were pushing... both of which I had done their last prenatals on... both of which had 38 fundal heights (a rarity to have such an 'american sized fh here in the Phils') Anyway... one transported because she just couldn't bring the baby down... the second (my patient) transported herself after I left because of frustration at the baby not coming fast enough... So... I went home a little late and slept in preperation for night shift... both JL and I had been on day and were scheduled for night. When we arrived for night shift there had been one more birth... a baby that had a club foot and some other little 'anomalies' that were found on the newborn exam... and... to top it off... .the bb that had been born an day/swing shift change had had a congenital hip dislocation issue! So... to sum it up... ALL 4 babies that were born yesterday had some strange things going on... hmmm... what was in the water 9 months ago!??
So... that ended my strange day... just after midnight we shut out the lights and thankfully no labors came all night and we got sweet sleep (interrupted by crying babies.. but sleep none the less!)
Today... time to buckle down and study for the final!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day Camping

Nope... actually there is no memorial day here... there is a day of the dead... but I think that's different and we generally don't think hanging out and partying at graveyards is much fun... So... anyway... over the weekend we headed to Kihan to test out Kevin's truck (a friend from Fire Team Intl) and to take some measurements for some cabinets and a sink for upstairs in the clinic... The truck did amazing! We were so happy because our rig is slightly bigger than theirs and we weren't sure if it was going to work... but now we know it will! So... a couple more weeks and our jeep will be ready! It couldn't be done sooner for us... the trips to Kihan are getting closer and closer together and the logistics of all that travel... well... it's a 5 hour trip... and it gets a bit tiring! Now we should be able to cut at least an hour off the trip having engine power and not having to stop at the river and change vehicles or what not!
I am continuing to work.. studying a bit for the final (which is in a couple weeks), working on the animals, writing lots of lists... pricing, etc.... Joe has been up to his neck in paperwork as well... the kids grades were due... which thankfully is somewhat easier with this new curriculum... then we are working on obtaining 3 year temporary residents visas... all before I head to the states... which means a miracle needs to take place... :) We totally believe it can and WILL! The 3 year visa will cost us a whopping $5K for our family!!! We're hoping the next country God calls us to is a little cheaper in the visa department! (Our friends in Cambodia pay a measly 50 bucks or some such rubbish!) Anyway.... once obtained we won't have to mess with them again!!! That will be a huge weight off our shoulders considering how far away we live from immigration!
So... if you think of it... say a prayer that it all goes off w/o a hitch!
Well... time for dinner! The kiddos are slightly wiped from our excursion this weekend! (Mom and Dad too!)
We did get a lot accomplished and realized how much more we have to do.... One step at a time....

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hello form Joe!

Hello! I figured it was about time I do my part and start sharing some of my ramblings with everyone out there. I had planned on doing so quite a while ago, but you know hoe it goes with us procrastinators. Why would I want to make my list of things that I would like to do or that need to be done any shorter by actually doing them. What point would there be in even having a list of things that need to be done if i actually did them in a timely manner. Who would still come to me asking if I could do this or that? What fun would that be? ... OK enough of that rabbit trail.
In all reality I have really wanted to post for a while but i have just been busy. With the kids new school program, my computer is tied up in the mornings with Tonia doing her school work. (we share a computer) Once school is finished with all the kiddos, I am usually off on some task or another until lunch. For the past few months the older four kids have been taking Karate classes which means we are at the gym for a couple of hours in the morning a few days a week and Saturdays. After lunch I go run any errands that need to be done, which unlike back home can be quite time consuming and even take several days to complete rather simple tasks. Once I have finished up and get back home it is usually time to start thinking about what I need to do for dinner and "daddy is home!" play time. After dinner is finished and cleaned up we have some good old American family pastime. TV! Well not really TV but some old TV shows that I download from the Internet. Nothing like those old TV shows like Andy Griffith, the original 1950 and 1960 Zorro and Hogans Heroes. OK so we don't watch it every night but the kids would sure like to. We have also been reading God's Smuggler (about Brother Andrew) with the kids which they have enjoyed greatly. Bible time is followed by pajamas and teeth and putting the gang in bed. After everyone is settled in for the night I get to spend time with my best friend who has been so very busy the last couple of years with her school. Finally around 9:30 or 10 I head off to the gym to have some alone dad and God time and to suffice my need for physical activity. Of course all of this schedule is subject to change at a moments notice. So needless to say i don't get on my computer for any length of time these days, other than when I am watching something. But all this is in the process of changing. With Jennifer finishing her school work, things have been different. Not bad, just different. Seems I have gotten used to doing things for the last couple of years and now that she is around and also doing things, well i just need to let her. I got upset at her for cooking dinner one night. I had been running late and came home to find everyone sitting and eating dinner. I was upset that she had to be bothered to have made dinner. How silly was that. Instead of being appreciative of her making dinner, I was upset that she had to do what I thought I should have done. Oh I felt like a jerk. Well now I am enjoying having her around so much more and find myself thinking "I remember this, having my friend around to share my days with". I am so proud of Jennifer for all that she has accomplished. I am looking forward to what God has in store for us as we begin our shift for our new role in Kihan. So many things to think of and do in the months to come, but I know that with God, my best friend, and a great bunch of kids by my side nothing is out of our reach. I want to say thank you so much for every ones support, prayers and encouragement over the last couple of years. I know this dad couldn't have fared as well as I have without it. Blessings to you today!
Joe and the Gang

Lesson for today:

A Midwife should follow her instincts!!! Here's how I learned my lesson tonight...
It was a nice, quiet shift when I arrived... no labors, just postpartum gals... I restocked the birth room... caught a quick nap, tried to wake up... chatted w/ the girls... and after hearing a beeping far in the distance I got up and put gloves in my pocket 'just in case'... (even though the honking was long gone and it was nothing)...
5:56pm... I'm thinking I should get up and go pee and get a cup of coffee...
5:57pm... 'R' arrives in labor... she looks active.. I ask her (against my instict to rush her to the bed) if she can still pee and wash in the CR... she says yes... I ask if she needs to push... 'no'... she can pee she says... the last thing I say before shutting the door to the CR... "Ayow Utang sa CR".. meaning don't push in the CR... I walk outside the bathroom and take 2 steps...
5:57pm... I hear a yelp and she starts telling me the baby is coming!... I throw my gloves on and squat on the very wet, slippery floor and catch her babies head as it slides out... trying to keep my own balance while unwrapping the cord from around his neck and not drop him! My 'assistants' come in and help with blankets, cord cutting and a pad so we can move mom to the bed... phew!!
So... I love being a midwife.. ya just never know what the night will bring... but... continuing to learn to TRUST my instinct!!!
God bless...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

May update of photos...

Kids Bushido Kai competition

Tyler n his 'new' outfit

Tonia n 'Latte'

Our friends rabbit breeding they showed us

Fish pond w/ garden above (just harvested so no veggies in it)

My first continuity ever! A year and a half later!

Levi n the man machine

Our 'jeep'

Joziah in his outing w/ Daddy down to Sarangani

Grace Medical Clinic

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Today I finally turned in my paperwork (in the correct order) to graduate! We still have NARM paperwork to finish... but that will wait till next week!
But... this post isn't about me... it's about us! I'm so proud of my family! People always say how proud they are of me... but really... they are the ones that put up with mom studying, working, sleepwalking, etc... for the last 2 years! They don't seem too worse for the wear, but I know that they are ready to be done! This month has been STRESSFUL to say the least! But Joe and I were chatting the other day and realizing that part of the stress is the anticipation has come to a head... we are actually doing it!.... in a very short amount of time we will be moving to Kihan... the first half a year is going to be the most stressful as we try to figure out how to just LIVe! Food, shelter, water, electricity... it's all gonna be a new deal... we would appreciate your prayers now more than ever as we face these challenges.
But even in the stress we have been amazed at God's provision... we met a couple shortly after arriving here that we were interested in seeing their set up of Urban agriculture... but our paths just never hooked up... until now. They started rabbit breeding almost a year ago and have produced 120 so far (they eat the males and keep the females for breeding)... We got to see their space saving set up for that... I have to say it was exactly what we were needing to see for Kihan! Then we also got to see their small scale (feeding their crew of 13) of fish farming... they gave us the specs of how much you have to invest, how long till you get to enjoy the product of your labor, etc... Man! We were sooo blessed to have met these guys and they are super excited to help us by coming out and giving us tips and helping us set up stuff out in Kihan! God sure knows the right timing!!!
On a different note... the kids passed their test for yellow belt in their bushudo kai class... so they will get to compete at that level this weekend at their competition. Joziah I think is ready to quit the class, but the rest are stoked to keep learning more and more self defense, self discipline and all the other fun stuff at classes! Only a couple more months... Tonia has managed to make herself a couple very good friends this year whom she is going to miss a lot when we go... thankfully she also has a couple girl friends she is getting to know out there in Kihan... one in particular that she seems to be getting close to on our visits and whenever joe goes in/out they send messages to each other...
1 more praise... when the work team was out at the clinic they put an antenna on the clinic and apparently we will get a wee bit of cell service!! Yeah! It's analog, so still no internet... but we are praying the government steps up that project this year! I'm just happy that I can call Joe WHEN I pass the NARM from the states! ;) WHEN being the important word there... ;)
Well... I'm wiped and time to get kiddos snacks and cuddles... God bless! And thanks so much for those who have prayed for us while we've been here!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


That means finished! Actually I finished my last assignment a couple days ago, but am just now printing it off to turn in tomorrow... my 'numbers' or paperwork is due on Monday and is just about done... although I do need to find my CPR card... apparently the certificate is not 'valid' and I need the stupid card! So... that should be fun to find!
Life hasn't slowed down yet... I keep waiting... but when I look at our calender and all that is listed this month... I'm not holding my breath! ;) Thankfully I won't have to add school work into all that busyness, although I'm going to discipline myself for studying... really I am!... just tomorrow...or the next day... or maybe next week! LOL... just kidding! it's too expensive of a test to fail! (talking about the NARM I am taking in August in the states).
The kids are all doing well, back to their ornery selves... just the way we like them!
Last night a few girls who were not working and could afford to steal away from their assignments came over for a chick flick movie marathon.... we had a great time... was almost like college days (oh wait... I didn't go to college!... well you know... like I imagine they would have been like!) Anyway, it was a fun night, even though Levi woke up with an ear ache around eleven and stayed up to watch the movie with us till after midnight (Joe was at the gym working out)...
Well, the last assignment just finished printing and I am going to go see if I can remember how to make rolls for dinner!
Thanks for all who supported us emotionally, financially, etc during my time here at Mercy... we are super excited to be moving on to the next phase... Kihan!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Thank you

Thanks so much to all who prayed for Joe... he is recovering well from the meningitis and is almost up to full energy! The flu bug continued to make its round through the house this week with Joziah, Tyler and Brian all getting the fever/headache and Sam having a general feeling of yuck and a tickly throat... Half the time i don't know Sam is feeling sick except he gets grumpy and doesn't eat seconds at meals! We seem to be mostly on the mend though... (I hope!)

Last week Joe was able to make a trip out to Kihan for a thank you lunch for all the volunteers who helped out with finishing up the clinic... then they had a nice dinner hosted by the vice governor to say thank you as well! Talk about a lot of food! Then joe n Joziah got the opportunity to sleep at the vice governor's guest house! Sweet! It's nice to be part of a mission that is so supported by the local government! Speaks a lot for the integrity of the organization!

Last night Bethany (another married student) and I hosted a Well Woman Party... several of us girls needed quite a few more interviews/examinations to finish up our numbers... no, there was no weird midwife stuff! (my sister was imagining terribly weird things I know)... we just did a basic interview and history on the women and basic physical exams... I managed to do around 8 I think... then was too pooped for anymore... I still need 5 more before Friday I think... and 4 more initial prenatals... then 1 more question on this last assignment... tests, tests, and more tests... etc... but basically after the assignment and our numbers are turned in... I am a FREE WOMAN! WOOHOOO!!!!! (well.. free is relative when you are a mother of 7... but you understand right!?)

That's this week's update... Next time you hear from me I will hopefully be DONE with assignments!!!