Thursday, May 28, 2009

A very weird day indeed

Yesterday I headed off to day shift, not sure what the day would entail... I was endorsed an immediate postpartum... A 19 yo had just given birth to a baby with a large cleft palate... It was a good time of showing the parents how great and amazing their baby was... the dad warmed up and held the baby for a long time... by the time the day was done they were definitely coping much better and on their way to be 100% in love w/ their baby. Another baby was delivered via using the vacuum extraction machine... a rarity at MMC... it went well and the baby is doing well... but it had some congenital anomalies and is also be referred to our back up pediatrician... Another baby was born at shift change... I was in position to 'catch' this one, but was happy when swing shift came and took over. Then two more labors were pushing... both of which I had done their last prenatals on... both of which had 38 fundal heights (a rarity to have such an 'american sized fh here in the Phils') Anyway... one transported because she just couldn't bring the baby down... the second (my patient) transported herself after I left because of frustration at the baby not coming fast enough... So... I went home a little late and slept in preperation for night shift... both JL and I had been on day and were scheduled for night. When we arrived for night shift there had been one more birth... a baby that had a club foot and some other little 'anomalies' that were found on the newborn exam... and... to top it off... .the bb that had been born an day/swing shift change had had a congenital hip dislocation issue! So... to sum it up... ALL 4 babies that were born yesterday had some strange things going on... hmmm... what was in the water 9 months ago!??
So... that ended my strange day... just after midnight we shut out the lights and thankfully no labors came all night and we got sweet sleep (interrupted by crying babies.. but sleep none the less!)
Today... time to buckle down and study for the final!

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