Ok... I decided after looking through my pictures that it was time for an update!! So get yourself a cup of coffee and sit a spell... :)
First and most importantly... I graduated!!!

My amazing family who helped make it possible! (They even got awards and gift certificates for their sacrifice!)

Early in June we went to what was supposed to be 'culture night' at this outdoor place in Davao... unfortunately it wasn't culture night, but we enjoyed the band anyway... and of course we enjoyed the evening with friends from Peace Builders... It was Amy's birthday and so we celebrated with a very Filipino dinner and fun with other staff from peace builders...

Joe and Jeremy enjoying the 'groove' music... LOL

'Ames'... Nurse Practitioner and friend extrordinaire! LOL... (In case she's reading)... ;)

Ok... because I promised Joziah I would post a picture of his really cool rocket he built... he was pretty proud... so here it is... actually Joziah took the pics... he's become quite the photographer... but thank goodness for digital because he fills up my card!

Our street has been closed for the city to install new sewers (for which we are thankful the next people who rent will get to enjoy)... the neighborhood kids have all come knocking down our gate wanting to play... so all the kids have enjoyed riding bikes with no traffic! Looking forward to Kihan for the bike riding to be sure!!

This is Levi and his kitties... he LOVES his kitties... in fact he was just sitting here next to me trying to get the kitty to 'behave' and sit nice next to him... I don't understand WHY it runs away... :P

The older 4 took an extra trip to Kihan for their Bushudo Kai stuff... the instructor and a team from the US came and did a demo out there... they all had great fun and the kids enjoyed getting to perform their learned skills.

On another trip our friends Amber and Kevin w/ their 3 kids came out and we had a real 'American' camp out... even splurging for hot dogs and marshmallows.... unfortunately the chocoloate bars were completely melted... :( But... they still had fun!

On another trip our friends Amber and Kevin w/ their 3 kids came out and we had a real 'American' camp out... even splurging for hot dogs and marshmallows.... unfortunately the chocoloate bars were completely melted... :( But... they still had fun!
The kids found these things on some plants and all the kids started 'decorating' themselves... even getting the adults involved... I shudder to think if all these peircings were real!

A couple midwives from Mercy came with us out there... it was a joy to have them come and I have so valued their input and advice in our move to Kihan! Thanks Els and Sus!
On our last trip school had actually started... 700 kids/ 12 teachers... a very small school! Actually we plan on enrolling Tyler and Meghan for the 2 hrs a day their age group goes... they will still do homeschool, but it will give them more cultural experience and they will pick up the language quick! We've already been asked to teach enlish at the school... since neither of us are teachers... we're not even sure where to begin!!
And FINALLY!!!... The saga of our JEEP! Here it is almost done...
Here it is... we had it extended about 14" and it was jacked up, new gears, etc... etc... Joe could tell you... all I know is... it's made to romp in the bukid!!!

A couple midwives from Mercy came with us out there... it was a joy to have them come and I have so valued their input and advice in our move to Kihan! Thanks Els and Sus!

We took it out to Kihan for the first trial run... knowing that the 4 wheel drive was a little messed up still... it made it great! It was a bit more of a bumpy ride then our jeepney on the highway (due to the big off road tires)... but handled amazing in the river...
Ahem... the problem came when we came OUT of Kihan... by the grace of God we happened to be in Alabel (the nearest city) when suddenly all our gears went out... we coasted into the gas station (amazingly)... Joe checked underneath and shudderred to think what could have happened... the axle was sliding out from the tire... we were sooo blessed we weren't out in the middle of nowhere... or driving fast down the highway!!! Also our friend Toto who owns a jeep lived just down the street from where we broke down... he got a mechanic there quick quick (who actually knew what he was doing) and they put a temp fix on it to get us to Davao... Toto fed us dinner and then we were off! We arrived just before midnight on the day of graduation! Talk about a very tired next day!!! But... we are so thankful for God's mercy and Grace!
On a final note... The day of our jeep incident... Dr Sam was in his own accident... with the motorcycle... he was clipped by a big 6 wheeler truck and went flipping several times (still attached to the motorcycle)... he has a HUGE hematoma on his upper leg/thigh/butt that has around 3 litres of blood in it... and he rebroke his collar bone from his accident 2months ago... so is awaiting being stable enough for surgery on that... please keep him in your prayers as his wife is in the states and they are in the middle of transferring houses currently! Honeslty...when he told what happened...he should be dead... but obviously God is not done yet! Keep on praying for our safety and protection! God bless!!! Jenn

Hi! I recently ran across your blog when I was researching info about Newlife. I was wondering if you would mind if I asked you a few questions about the program as I am trying to decide whether or not Newlife would be a good fit for me on my path to becoming a midwife.