Monday, December 21, 2009


So I haven't been blogging lately.. not that lots hasn't been going on.. but mostly because I'm afraid I would be a little too 'real' with people... I have started many a blog to try to express some of these 'real' issues here... but then I am always afraid it will come across the wrong way and I end up resorting to just deleting the post and keeping inside for yet another day. So.... sorry for the absence of 'fun' blogging... it's been difficult to have the 'Christmas' spirit here... so far away from people who share the same love of Christ, the same language, family, etc... some days if it were up to me I would just hide under my blanket until this season has passed... but of course having children forces one to not do that, (and the fact that's it's 100 degrees out!)... so we plod on through... learning how to celebrate with no close friends of family close by, with just the ants as our constant companions... :) We are thankful that we have each other (and there's a LOT of us!)
We are finally on 'break' from the kid's school... so now it's just the 'normal' duties of animals, garden and of course patients... We see anywhere from 10-25 patients in a day... ranging in problems from halfway cutting their wrist off... to infected wounds, to trying to figure out some medical dilemna that's plagued someone for years... (those are the hardest!)
We are trying to at least get some holiday baking in... but it means that we splurge for 'nice' flour (that you can only buy in the city)... the 3rd class flour just doesn't cut it for delicate baking items! It's difficult to find baking products and goodies... But we managed to find marshmallows in the city last time we were in... and a box of rice crispies... The box sizes here makes it perfect for rice crispy treats... one box per 1 bag of marshmallows! I think we might even have some food coloring that we could add in to make them look 'Christmasy'!
Currently we are in the middle of re arranging and organizing the house... BLAH... but oh well, it must be done.. and I'll feel great when it's finished!


  1. Jennifer - What products & goodies do you miss most in the Philippines? Are there traditions you are passing on to the kids and any you are tweaking to fit your new life? Thinking of you this Christmas! Emilie

  2. We definitely 'tweak' traditions... and make up new ones! This year we made a super special Christmas dinner... Cheeseburgers! lol... it was YUMMY! We miss meat... and cheese! My sister hooked us up with more chocolate than we could possibly eat this year (not that we aren't trying!)
