Friday, February 12, 2010

One more step completed

This morning was our big 'garage' sale... more like a porch sale... We had people all week long trying to be the ones who got the preview of the sale... (whcih of course we let our helpers dig through first)... but the others we made wait until today.... so there were people lining our gates quite early in the morning... but first things first... we ate breakfast and gathered a few more of this n that... (and heard pleas from a few kids on please please please don't sell this or that)... Selling things is definitely hardest on kids! The older kids were each in charge of their bikes to sell (they were basicaly doing a silent bid system)... we had had probably 30 people want the 8 bikes we had... so it was madness! Joe finally had to help them out about half way into the morning... people were shoving money in the poor kids' faces trying to convince them to sell it to THEM! lol... Tonia, Levi n I manned the money box while my helpers n Earl helped answer pricing questions from the throngs of people! All in all in went well... though exhausting of course! But my house is emptier than it was... which gives me more room to pack! I'm still not sure how it's all going to get done... but at least whatever I'm not sure about I can just throw in a box and take to Davao..... then sort when I'm there!

As the reality of the transition is upon us... I find myself having random moments of... panic maybe? Realizing that some of my younger children can't even remember much of anything about American life... this morning was a funny little example... as I'm sorting through Meggie's clothes for the garage sale and she doesn't want a certain pink shirt... Tyler pipes in that he could have it (or even Levi)... now here one would think nothing of a boy wearing a bright pink shirt... some of my kids long pj pants we've sold in past garage sales end up on adults as capris! Clothes are just not paid attention to... the kids can wear stained, holy, too small or too big and nobody even notices! If memory serves me well... this isn't quite so in America!
Some things though I am looking forward to... all this packing has brought out cockroaches in the hundreds (or so it seems!).... Every morning there are at least 4 or so in my bathroom.... I'm looking forward to the day when my multiple trips to the bathroom at night doesn't involve being on the look out for cockroaches, huge spiders and even bats in my toilet! It's not so easy to go back to sleep after a cockroach races over your foot! (or worse is when a nasty bug flies in your ear and wakes you from a dead sleep!)... I'll be glad when I don't automatically think that a black belt or piece of tape on the floor is a snake... or my hair falling down on my arm is ants crawling on me! Sigh... but even with all those things 'better'... I will miss our little village here in the Philippines... miss what we are doing and the ability to help people in this way. Such are the conflicts in our hearts.

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