Thursday, February 3, 2011

Of course....

Joe and I recently agreed to co lead a small core group at our church. The subject... the book of James. In my mind this week was persevering through trials so that we can mature... Hmmm, are little warning bells going off in your head yet? YEah..... so it really just came down to what would be our trial.... we just didn't expect to be hit on so many fronts at once!! Kid issues... attitude problems, laziness, negativity... then came the hit on the financial front... our bus repair cost... $3100.... then w/ in half hour of leaving the shop, it completely dies!!! Argh! The part that most likely needs replaced grand total is like $850... Then my cars radio freaked out... new one $250... sigh. It's been a crazy bad month at work.... lots of transports and not so many births..... I think I forgot what it looks like when a baby comes out naturally!! On another front we've been attacked by the nasty winter yuck bug!!!
However... as I was leaving work... I was singing that song... "Count your blessings, name them one by one" And I was reminded that even though it feels horrible and no one wants to be squeezed or stretched... I really do have hundreds, even thousands of blessings to count. And so I did just that... started naming them out loud... one by one! I could totally see my dad singing that song as he used to when I was growing up...
So, even if you're discouraged today... your kids being a total rebellious brat, your boss is ticked at you, your husband forgot your birthday... whatever... just remember, it's all about what we focus on.
So... I'm off to focus on my childrens homework... love love LOVE IT!!! ;)

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