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Dear God
I have seen and tasted your beauty... I have seen the majesty and glory you display in your creation... But I also see the result of man's choice to sin... the evil, the heartache, the utter despair, the lives wrecked... What Lord can I do? What Lord? I am but one... The need is overwhelming... I fear being swallowed up by the darkness present on all sides. Caring for young girls of 14 becoming moms far before there time... but what option do they have? And what can I offer them Lord... I long to change their circumstances... that they wouldn't feel the need to sell their bodies to put food in their belly's or to have a place to rest their heads at night. I long to change the fact they had no parental guidance in their lives, no mothers wisdom or fathers strong embrace... but I can't... simply put... I can do nothing but offer them a caring hand and patient guidance on their journey into motherhood... and pray that in doing so, I've offered a bit of you... and maybe someday... it will make a difference.
Wow, That is beautiful, and heartbreaking. I too have felt this weight and burden of a care-er of women, women sexually abused, alone, young...It is way over my head. Only through His Spirit's guidance...