Tuesday, February 17, 2009


One week till we have like 3 assignments due at once... Microbiology, Laws and Protocols, and counseling.... in between we have twice a week assignments for Statistics... Oh, and i think we just got another email saying we were going to be getting a new assignment tomorrow?? But maybe I'm wrong? I'm having difficulty keeping it all straight in my very tired brain....
I had finished (or at least thought I finished) my personal protocols... but nope.. apparently they are supposed to be more than 10 pages long... more like 80! Ugh!!! So back to work I went... eventually after a couple hours of trying to make it all work I just deleted the entire document (by this time it was 30 pages or so) and started again... admittedly... I cried... My formatting just wouldn't cooperate! Grrr... So back to the beginning I went... and now it's complete... keeping my fingers crossed that when I print the stupid thing it doesn't do anything funky or I might throw my computer out the window! (Ok... maybe not that drastic... but there would certainly be moaning and yelling involved!)
Our counseling assignment is supposed to only be about 10 pages... but I am currently stumped as to how to expand my 1 page outline into 10 pages of readable material... blah...
Microbiology is fun, but I did it weeks ago, so now I'm not sure I'll be able to remember anything of importance when the test comes around!
Such is the life of a student/mom/wife/midwife and whatever else I happen to be!

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