Joe and I have decided that we are just not cut out for the typical 'missionary' image... first off we don't have the normal 2.3 children... not that our children aren't 'normal'... well ok, so they aren't... but what can you expect when you have us as parents!? Many years ago a wise woman told me that it didn't really matter what color her son died his hair or how many earrings he had... what she cared about was his heart... It stuck w/ me and I filed it away in things to remember 'when my kids got older'... little did I know that this advice would be needed much sooner.

As most know... Joe has an earring (this plus his shaved head disqualifies us from the 'typical' misionary image)... The boys have asked on several occasions about them getting one... we usually reply nonchalantly that it was fine, as long as they could handle the pain... so we would ceremoniously get out the needle, steralize it, clean it, and press it against their ear at which time they would squeal "NO!" and we would be safe for another 6 months or so... It worked well and we figured we were safe for awhile with this routine... what we forgot to factor in is our crazy boy TYLER... to make a long story short... he laughed through the whole ordeal and now has himself an earring... So now we have a son with a little tuft of hair sticking up from his shaved head and an earring... OI!... I'm thinking we're not going to win the "most improved" award from the missions community... darn! Brian followed Tylers lead (with Tyler going on and on about how much it hurt)... but Sam wasn't ready yet... we had a good chat about not yeilding to peer pressure and it doesn't make you less brave just because you don't want to do it! Joziah of course had no interest in inflicting pain upon himself... 'are you nuts?!' Living w/ children is awesome... I love it!

I'm pretty sure that the city mission community is happy we are moving to the village... they just don't know what to think of us! LOL... we are known as some of the strictest parents, with some of the 'nicest, well behaved children'... and yet we let them do crazy things like play in the fire and get their ears peirced... oh my... what is this world coming to!?
* When exhausted my sarcastic side comes through... sorry... lots of sleepless nights, busy, busy, crazyness at the clinic... (twins yesterday!).... sickness, birthdays, last two assignments, tests, numbers, etc, etc... :)