A couple weeks ago Tonia turned 12... Oi! What am I doing..What am I going to do!!? She is quick to remind me that next year she will be 13... (oh joy!)
Actually for the most part Tonia is incredibly easy going, super helpful and a great big sister! In fact I really have very little to complain about. For her birthday she decided a trip to WaterWorld was in order..


so we shelled out the 20 bucks and headed out (hey... 20 bucks is a LOT of money here!) ;)

Anyway, we all had a great time with friends.. the guys got a little crazy on the water slide... but hey, that's the joy of living where there are no 'safety rules' in place! LOL!
You may wonder about these next few pics... Let's just say that we had some sick chicks that needed to be gotten rid of before they spread it to the other chickens (too late I might add as the entire batch died!) Anyway... the most reasonable way to get rid of them seemed to be to let the dogs have a little fun at the same time (please... no animal rights emails!)... Well Tyler decided that the dogs should have a 'chicken sandwich'... so he took a peice of grass and some bread and made this for the dogs... So what can I say.. we hare a slightly sadistic familiy... but hey... we love Jesus so it's all good right?!

Obviously these were taken
before Tyler's (much needed) hair cut... after he had his cool little dooly bob on the back of his head for about a week he asked me to cut it off.. when Sarah (my friend) asked him why he had cut it off... he said "because people laugh at me!" Um.. wasn't that why you wanted it in the first place?... but he decided they laughed TOO much... silly Tyler!
I loved this post! The chicken story reminded me so much of my own childhood...we used to raise chickens. One day, my dad decided to get rid of the old laying hens that weren't laying anymore and were too tough to chew. He gave my brother permission to practice his bow and arrow hunting on them! My brother didn't want to lose his arrows so he put washers on the end so that they wouldn't go through the chickens and get lost in the yard. Problem was, he put the washers too close to the tip and so they stuck into the chickens, but not enough to kill them. All morning he was chasing down chickens with arrows sticking out of them because they were running around with arrows in just far enough to be wedged in, but not far enough to actually kill them...crazy times.