Like I said... it had already been quite the couple days of adventure... inlcuding finding a scorpion on the back of my toilet (killed by the guys thankfully) and then having a millipede decide my foot was a great place to cross while I was cooking dinner... ew! Anyway... the rain continued...
The next day it FINALLY stopped and the river started going down... after a few hours of contemplating and waiting... seeing more storm clouds rolling in... we decided to chance it. But first we would send the guys and the luggage w/ only a couple kids over... (it's easier to rescue 2 children than 10 if the need should so arise!) So it took them awhile... but they finally made it over (unbenownst to us since there is no contact).... Amy and I with the rest of the kiddos waited... saw the boy w/ the foot problem, waited again, made a make shift lunch w/ the 4 boiled eggs we had (split 9 ways).... then finally we hear boys yelling to us... they said we'd have to walk cause the jeep had gotten stuck.... lovely... we had no idea if we would be crossing the river by ourselves or what... (we had 18mo old up to 12 yrs old)... 8 kids....2 moms and 1 Ate.... But we started walking.... it was a muddy, lovely, affair..... the kids of course had a blast... We met up with Roni (who had gone w/ Joe on the first trip)... he had a couple horses and put a few of the smallest kids on them to take them over... Amy's husband also joined us and filled us in... apparently the jeep made it across all the crossings the first time... but when Joe went to go back he was just a few feet different in his crossing and there was a larger dip and more soft sand in that spot.... and he got sunk in... it took a big dozer to get him out (who wasn't very happy about having to do it either)...
We all walked and they had 2 of their kids and crossed the wide stretch of the river... I had Joziah, Tonia and Tyler w/ me.... Joziah was getting pulled behind Tonia from the current... and the native boys who kept insisting I just let them carry Tyler (these kids looked like 7yrs old)... were holding Tyler's hand (who was still attached to me) and walking fast... so it was quite the gong show... and very scary.... Eventually when we were just past the roughest part when all I could do was hang on to the kids... one of the boys just hoisted Tyler up and chugged the way through the rest of the river.... the kid was apparently 12 yrs old... and butt naked.... lol... gotta love the bukid!
Anyway... after that my pulse was about 150's.... but thankfully the horses showed up for the next few crossings... cause I couldn't have made them... too deep... too swift.... even Jeremy had trouble staying upright... and he's a man... and tall! (Course the little native kids make it look easy and Joziah wanted me to let him try on his own.... uh NO!)
By the time we reached the other side.... all the action was done.... or so we thought..... we spent the next 3 to 4 hours waiting and watching as the jeep got towed back and forth, back and forth in an effort to get it started.... there was water in the fuel, water in the transmission, etc, etc.... it was a mess... and of course it started raining again.... needless to say we had super muddy kids! But at least all the luggage was dry... and all the kids really did AMAZING!!! I was so proud... no complaining (until the next day)... lol
But... we finally made it to where we decided to stay for our little 'vacation'.... although poor Joe has had to spend much of his time 'fiddling' and fixing the jeep.... it's still running pretty rough and we're not sure it's ready for the return trip in tomorrow... praying that he'll be able to fix it in the morning before we head out....
So we have MUCH to be thankful for.... as you can see from the pictures....
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