Sunday, August 2, 2009

More Adventure than one could ever hope for

Our friends from Davao came in on Friday w/ their 3 kiddos.... we were hoping we made it back over the river no problem... we did. The plan was for them to spend a night and then head to our planned 3 days at the beach for some R&R.... that was the PLAN....
The rain started/stopped/over and over.... that evening we had our first 'patient'... a little boy who had stepped on a large piece of bamboo that impaled into his foot (OUCH!) It was a nasty piece that had gone straight up through to the soft part below the ankle bone on the inside of the foot. They had already pulled the piece of wood out.... so we cleaned it best we could with the supplies we had (my friend Amy who is here is a Nurse Practitioner)... gave the boy some of the antibiotics I have in my supplies (I don't have any yet at the clinic) and gave the parents instructions on danger signs.... we also made sure the boy was up to date on his tetanus injections (which he was thankfully!)
We went to bed with visions of the rain stopping.... but no such luck... it escelated into typhoon type weather (or at least the spin off of typhoon since we're too inland for typhoons)... anyway... in the middle of the night I woke to getting drenched.... our temporary shutters (shower curtains) had blown off and the rain was pouring in through our screened 'windows'.... Joe found a board and nailed it across the window.... the other two windows coverings (tarps) quickly followed suit... but we just had to move stuff out of reach of the rain (about 5 ft radius) and deal wiht the clean up in the morning.... and there was LOTS of clean up!
In the midst of cleaning up and watching how high the river was... we had our second patient.... a man with another puncture wound.... this one going straight through his hand.... the object.... a knife.... self defense wound... It was packed with a leaf that helps clot the blood... and was a muddy, dirty mess (it had happened the night before). So we cleaned it up, soaked it, irrigated it.... and dressed it.... he really was bummed we wouldn't stitch it... but since he waited so long that wasn't the best option.... anyway... it was pretty to be sure! lol...
All that day the rained poured on/off.... we ran out of gasul for our stove, so we went to cooking native... over the fire.... we were short of food supplies because we had planned on leaving that day and food left just gets ruined.... we had a native dinner of rice w/ sardines.... we went to bed praying the rain would stop so that the river would go down (it was WAY to high to cross).... the adventure of the next day will be on the next post... with pictures hopefully!!!

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