He caught me up on the happenings of the village... mostly it was good to hear about how even those that are non Christians have been saying how it's nothing short of a gift from God that we are there... They just can't comprehend how we would give up our comfortable lives to live there... for them... It's so neat the way that God uses the fact that missionaries often do give up there comfort for the sake of others as a representation of how He gave his only son... to leave the awesomeness and comfort of heaven to come down here to this evil and yucky world... just so that we might have a restored relationship with Him!!!
After talking with Joe I am more than ready to go back... sigh... but I still have a couple weeks here in the states and know that I need to get a few more things in order before I leave... our house in Wasilla has kept us on our knees trying to hear what God wants for us in that regard... to sell, not to sell... all I can say is we are praying for His way to be known!
Also if anyone is interested in donating used baby clothes for me to take back... please let me know asap and I will get you the address of where to send them... Even if they don't come before I go I will be having a box shipped after I leave I think...
Well here is a few drawings that Joe sent and a picture of Tyler dancing in the Barangay festival... Meghan apparently chickened out! lol...

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