Monday, September 7, 2009

just not missionary material

I have made the comment many times that our family just doesn't fit the mold for 'typical' missionary family... while that may be true (cause we're far from normal!)... but I have realized that there are more and more people that are coming to the mission field not out of sense of duty to convert as many people as they can... but they are coming out of an overwhelming desire to show people all over the world of Jesus LOVE for us... HE doesn't desire religious acts... HE desires a RELATIONSHIP... We don't do things for him out of trying to work desperately to be redeemed... that's already been taken care of! We live the life we live because we were once in that place of confusion, of chaos inside... and now we have PEACE... and the difference is enough that we are willing to give up the comforts of our life, of our physical needs... to let others know that that peace is free... a gift... no strings attached... you don't have to make sure you go to church 3 times a weeks to please this God.. no need for prayer memorization or any other religious act... he simply wants you... just where you are... to give you a freedom from the voices inside of you... the war, the struggle, the emptiness... and he simply asks for a relationship with Him in return.
So I apologize to the many missionaries out there that are giving of their lives to show the love of our Father to people all around the world... they/we are making a 'new mold', a better one! These 'missionaries' are all over... on the home front and abroad... they make up all colors, nations, tongues and tribes... and soon... the world will see... that the creator of the universe... the Alpha/Omega... LOveS them!!

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