You know those moments when your sanity is tested... that you stand at the edge of crazyville and have to conciously make the choice to NOT go nutso... yeah... that's pretty much been our life this past... oh month or so... Every time I think I can sit down and write about this or that... another thing tops it... and usually I am too exhausted by the end of the day to even think of getting on my computer.
Just to update of this past weekend...
We were supposed to leave on Friday... so on Thursday the truck was being loaded... but our jeep was having issues and had to go to the shop, I had to work, then we had an immigration appt at 3... We finally made it to our immigration appt while guys loaded the truck and women furiousiuosly packed those 'last few boxes'... that usually end up like the last 20 boxes!! Anyway... we waited... and waited... and finally at 4:30 they said... sorry.. come back tomorrow... We had to have these last things signed off so that when I leave the country in a few weeks we are able to leave.... and return... so... we made a quick phone call and the guys started unloading the truck... by the time we arrived home all the neighborhood kids had pitched in to help unload (they were hoping we had changed our mind and were staying). So the truck wasn't available again until monday... we had literally nothing in the house... no food, no utensils... toothbrushes and one spare outfit... So... we've pretty much survived on eating out twice a day... we were blessed to eat dinner one night with the dorm girls and another at friends of ours... other than that... fast food all the way (fast food is a totally different experience in this country... food is to go in plastic bags and it's usually chicken and rice). Anyway.. we've survived that... and then we've had a disaster of a house because our landlord decided that RIGHT before we moved out would be a great time to treat tear the walls apart and treat for termites... except her termite guys stole from us (kinda hard to blame others when you're the ONLY one in the house)... anyway... so they left a mess... then our landlord keeps wanting to walk contractors through the house while commenting the whole time what a mess the house is... (can you tell my patience is wearing very very thin...) Anyway... yesterday I noticed that the puppies were getting ringworm from the mama dog... so I decided to treat the mom with oral meds and hope that the meds that went through to the pups would help them (the vet and I had discussed it and we decided to just monitor the pups and at the first sign of weakness or not tolerating it well... we would stop)... well... I woke to 2 dead pups and before breakfast was over there was another one... at this point we expect the rest to die... slightly pessimistic... but hey... we're really, really tired of dealing with animals dying... In Alaska NOTHING grows... cause it's so stinking COLD... fleas are even a rarity.... but here... fleas are the least of your concerns... every fungus, infection, etc... grows like wildfire overnight... blah....
So... there is more... so so much more... but I will stop there before it becomes a whine fest... because in honesty... this morning when I got up God showed me clearly that today would be a challenge and the choice to have a good attitude or not would lie with me.... and trust me... today it feels like a HUGE choice... I can't say that I've managed it every second of the day... (I have to say that my hungry belly was NOT happy that most restraunts, even ones that serve breakfast, don't open till 10!)... anyway... but we are surviving.. and knowing that patience builds character... right?...
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