After all the delays, issues, tired nights, eating here and there, sleeping here and there... we are all living in ONE place! Praise the LORD!!! I made it out to Kihan w/o any problems besides a slight wrong turn for only 5 kilometers or so... Joe and the kids were super excited to see me and I was happy to be there! I managed to not dump the bike over, even on the muddy spots in the mountain! When I got to the river I considered trying to drive in... but considering I would never be able to push the bike through if it stalled... I waited... After a snack and drink I decided to walk in... by myself... with my heavy backpack (containing my laptop) and my suitcase. I had just finished unstrapping both from the motorcycle when a motor guy showed up who was willing to take me into Kihan... yeah!
It's so nice to be there... but also a TON of work... I'm pretty sure I am asleep before my head hits the pillow at night... unfortunately i don't stay that way as both nights thus far I have woken to the feeling of little creatures on me or flying above.... ugh... twice they've gone in my ear! Ewww... so... the screen on the window next to my bed is the next thing on the list to fix!!
The cooler nights are such a relief after sweating for the past two years... I even have a real quilt on my bed! imagine that!
The kids are adjusting well thus far... Joziah has decided that since kids follow him everywhere he'll start a 'club'... he even has a meeting place and everything. He tells me not to worry... he'll be a good leader (think all those lectures are paying off?)!
I've got a goal to learn 3 womens names each day....
The locals think the rabbits are great... although they were a little surprised we were going to eat them!
Of our 9 puppies... only 1 is still surviving... they just couldn't handle it all I guess... :*( Sayong! (meaning what a waste)...
Speaking of waste... we had to throw a ton of our fridge stuff since we were sure by now we would have power out there... but sadly no... it's a veerrry loongg story... that is like the energizer bunny and just keeps on going....
I have many many things to blog... but can't think of them currently! lol! Maybe it's the pressure of only having 'so much time' at the internet cafe... who knows...
Keep praying for us... pray for our safety our adjustment and that we could find our place with the people here in Kihan...
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