Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Quick update

Well I could ramble on and on about this and that since I love to talk and this whole living by myself thing is somewhat of torture... me... keep my thoughts to myself!! Yikes! But I figured maybe God is teaching me something through this whole thing (no internet, no availability to talk to Joe, no one home)... and so I will not ramble (well anymore than I already am)... and just say that after 4 days of not having contact I was able to chat with Joe and let him know that he needed to gather the kiddos and return to Davao so we can get our last paperwork finished at immigration.... I'm pretty sure this whole no cell service out there is gonna be pretty hard to swallow... not so much when we're all out there together, but especially when I'm in the states and he's here... :( Praying for a solution...

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