Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Saying goodbye

Well.. this is it... I sit here in Mercy at my last shift... strangely enough until these past few moments my mind has stayed too busy to focus on the fact that this is it... it's ending... a new season is beginning... but how can one start a new season without giving credit and saying goodbye to the old? I have learned and grown so much in the past two years... I have caught 90 babies... I have assisted at countless others... wow... wow!!! I have had AMAZING supervisors who have generously poured into my life whom I will miss greatly! I will miss the women we serve and there sweet little babies... I will miss bumbling bana's who just want to help.... The sweet cry of a newborn baby... I just realized the other day that I won't be catching babies for awhile... no palpating big swollen bellies... no helping women as they journey through labor and find themselves strong enough to push through to the other side... Even the times when other circumstances factor in and they can't complete the journey here.... I'm honored to have been a part of their journey.... to offer some bit of support and mercy...
So yes... I will miss these women and I treasure the things I have learned.... but I am also ready to step into the next phase... where hopefully there will be more women w/ preggo bellies! This morning during worship at prenatals I was inspired out of the blue with how to set up the prenatals for the village women... I am super excited to have another piece in place (well at least in my mind its in place).
After a long day yesterday, Joe and the kids made it safe to Kihan (confirmed via text with the truck driver who drove the moving truck)....my last shift was supposed to be friday, but another midwife offered to take it so that I could surprise Joe early... so tomorrow morning bright and early I will take off on the motorcycle and drive, drive, drive... praying for clear skies and safe travels!!!
So I will sign off now... till someday again we have internet access!

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