Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I will try to quickly update as we've been away from blogging for two weeks now... This past week the REACH team was in Kihan and then we did another outreach across the river a bit... We saw over 200 patients and did maybe 20 or more surgeries... We did 3 major surgeries on guys that had lived with enlarged testes for over 5 years (the longest one having had the problem for 9 years!) One 'itlog' was over 5 kilos of fluid... it was over the size of a soccer ball! We actually have several more like surgeries scheduled for November... I'm pretty sure all the guys on the team were having nihtmares after those surgeries.... but the guys were so relieved and one guy kept remarking that his wife was going to be SO excited! lol...
Anyway... it's never dull around our house... we've had little children with Hepatitis... older men with chicken pox... lots of TB cases... babies with severe pnemonia... It's all catching up to me and I am wiped... all this and we're constantly in a race with the river on whether we'll make it in/out before it rises from storms moving in/out.
Anyway... we are alive and well... and we're supposed to get internet within the next couple weeks! Supposed to....
Please excuse the lack of blogging.... just can't blog when we don't have internet!
Kids are doing good... Brian loves watching surgeries and was so bummed he wasn't allowed in on the 3 major surgeries... maybe next time... :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Note of the day

This is a very very important thing to remember.... ALWAYS shake out your towel/bag/box BEFORE reaching your hand into it or wrapping it around your body! Ewww... cockroaches!! blah!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


2 weeks is just way to long without internet! How can i update 2 weeks worth of life! We've had some crazy strong winds as of late... courtesy of all those lovely hurricanes up north... or whatever they call those crazy weather systems... anyway... rain is actually welcome to the farmers, the wind they could do without. We have been busy patching up people, getting the clinic up and running while patching up ourselves in the process... Both Brian and I took tumbles down the concrete stairs... ow is all I can say... I still am walking with a limp, although feeling tons better than a few days ago!
We have also been working on getting a garden plot ready, have planted a few starter thingies... as you can tell... gardening is NOT our specialty... but we're trying to make do... the chicken house is finally finished and our chickens and turkeys are finally contained to do what they do best... but like projects go... you finish one and another takes it's place... just as the chicken house was finished, the strong winds took down the rabbit cage roof... so that's the next 'project' on the list...
As you can imagine... life is never dull... we've had several cases of the mumps, severe scabies infestation, lice, impaled objects in feet (that the guy left there for a week before coming to us), huge blood blisters that need drained, and a baby with severe pnemonia that I'm sure wouldn't have lived another couple days if left untreated. God has been so good in providing the knowledge and the help when needed... Dr Sam's nurses are now rotating a stint out in Kihan... so they come in on Mondays and leave on Thursdays... :) Works out nicely!
Well I had over 200 emails to catch up on so I better get back to it... Thanks so much for the inquiries as to our well being..... doing pretty good... some days the schooling and list of projects seems overwhelming... but we are trying to take it one moment at a time. Keep praying for us... :)