Wednesday, April 28, 2010


As I write this my daughter has just informed me that the third of our little baby bunnies has made it's way out of the nest at night and froze to death.... this tops the wonderful week we've had of kids w/ the flu/diarrhea bug. Our downstairs renters have 7 children and last week they all had this flu/diarrhea bug (which in turn means a LOT of extra we share a washer/dryer). We were hoping we would avoid it, but the other day the youngest woke up throwing up, then the next night two more children were puking and pooping... then last night another was added along w/ daddy (who still had to go to work)... currently we have just 3 functionalble help (me, Tonia, and Sam)... and Meggie isn't sick, but is liking to pretend she is sick! So we are entertaining ourselves w/ old home videos of Grandma and Grandpa that are up in heaven w/ Jesus as well as home videos of kiddos when they were little (a great hit!)

On other news... life has been busy w/ getting the paperwork trails started both for me to be licensed in midwifery in the state of Alaska (a very looongg story) and for Joe to start his own business. We realized that if I was going to be able to practice midwifery at all, Joe definitely couldn't be in the cop/security business.... so he started his own handyman business and it seems to be taking off already. We've got rabbits going, both meat and the kids business of small rabbits to sell.... it's a learning experience to deal with cold weather instead of hot weather!

Tonia has been keeping busy w/ her horse riding lessons.... she came to me a few weeks before her birthday and informed me that she wanted a horse, saddle, riding blanket, etc... for her birthday (I informed her to keep dreaming!) She is like most girls her age and obsessed w/ everything horses (dogs come in a close second).

Joziah has joined boy scouts.... and is loving all the fun projects and cool things he learns there. This week (as long as he is feeling better), the troop will be heading to help out at the Air Force base and be victims for the paramedic training. He's hoping they get to have fake blood and everything!

Bri has informed me that he really really wants to be a soldier when he grows up! Somehow we mentioned jr ROTC programs and CAP... he insisted that we look it up and find out how old he has to be... we of course have pointed out that he needs to study hard if he would like to be in those programs (gotta get our digs in when we can!)

Well this seems like a long enough update for now! Please continue to pray for us as we are still adjusting to life back in America!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Just can't stay away!

LOL.... how could I ever think of giving up blogging? Who would I vent to then?!
Yesterday was one of 'THOSE' days... the kind where you wake up wondering if the day is really going to go as bad as you feel... and you go to bed realizing that it went way worse! Seriously I was ready to give up on being a wife, parent, human being... I woke w/ a pounding headache, decided to push through and help get breakfast on for our large crew of hungry kiddos (we were staying at friends house in Homer who have 6 kids, along w/ our 7 that makes 13 kiddos to feed each meal... amazingly it goes well)... Anyway, before breakfast was served I headed about 20 min away to what I thought was a meeting w/ my kids school advisor. Apparently there had been a misunderstanding and she thought I was just dropping reimbursement receipts... so an hour wasted, I headed home. I would have to say at this point my mood was that I wished I could just take that little car and drive, drive, drive.... as if somehow the freedom of the road would make my mind less confused. But of course I love my family and decided they would probably NOT appreciate mommy having some sanity time, so I went back to face the packing and loading ordeal... A couple hours later everyone had pottied, all random stray items had (hopefully) been thrown in the bus and we were off for the drive back to Wasilla. I went to put a movie in the tv/vcr only to discover that it was no longer functioning (Joe thought maybe it was just cold... I have no idea if a cold tv would randomly make it eat video tapes, but whatever)... so of course trying to explain to the younger kids why the tv wouldn't work went over super well... After a stop for lunch in Soldotna and a potty stop in Girdwood... we made it to the other side of Anchorage and were in the final stretch for home.... when my phone rings... It was our downstairs renters, who had been watching our 2 mastiff puppies for us... she hated to tell us, but they had put the dogs upstairs and they had somehow gotten out while she was gone... awaiting us at home was not a pretty site!
2-30 pound puppies loose in a house for hours... one had diarrhea BAD... they have big paws... we have light tan colored couches and carpet everywhere in our house.... The only up side of the story was the kids' bedroom doors were shut! So we went right to work... first picking up the big pieces of chewed this and that... the larger piles of poo, soaking up pee spots... then we brought out or handy dandy carpet steam cleaner.... the hand tool being the only part that was working, but at least we got the major spots cleaned up... Then Joe tore apart the main part and got it working... only to have it break, then fixed, then break... you get the idea... We did manage to get it ALL clean and smelling MUCH better.
We fed kids spaghetti (thank God for quick meals)... put them in bed and after a bit more cleaning sat down to catch our breath. Our two 'innocent' pups were cuddled up w/ me on the couch when suddenly the one who had had the diarrhea stood up and puked... A LOT... all over the top of her sister and the couch.... NICE!! More clean up followed... it continued till late when finally the immodium started to take effect and poor puppy was able to sleep... (meaning mommy n daddy can hopefully sleep!)
This morning I think our kids were realizing what little tirdlets they had been yesterday (we gave them a big lecture on demanding this and that instead of helping out)... Bri woke up and immediately starting putting away dishes (without being asked!)... Sam started washing down counters.... WOW! I had to laugh when their older brother came in and told them "HEY! That's not YOUR chore!"... they told him they were just helping out... he said... "Oh... well it's still not YOUR chore!"... haha... firstborns!
So there we go... today is going much better... the outlook for today is that we WILL survive...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

To blog or not to blog...

I've seriously been considering giving up my blogging days... not that I didn't thouroughly enjoy it, in fact I've loved it! I've been reading over the past year or so and just in awe of all God has brought us through. However now we live back in North America... what is there to blog about? I mean life is the normal 'American' life! We live in a big house, we drive a big car (ok a shuttle bus to be exact), we have our 2 dogs (who happen to be Mastiff's), we have our 7.3 children (ok, so maybe that's more normal for Alaskan and not American)... anyway... on the outside we look like it's all nice and pretty... and on the inside a jumble of mixed up emotions that volley from extreme anger to sadness and happiness multiple times a day... see... the normal 'American'!
And I have to say, since blogger doesn't actually tell me if people visit my blog, I have to assume they don't anymore since there are no comments anymore.
So, we'll see... it may be just a random extreme emotion to want to stop blogging, amplified by the ever increasing pregnancy hormones... lol.. who knows.
Well, seems I must cut this blog short, I have a 4 yr old who also is having random angry thoughts brought on by the fact that his mommy won't let him eat a yummy snack when he didn't eat his lunch... sigh... the terrible life of a 4 yr old.