Friday, February 25, 2011

But I don't WANT to (dang it!)

Imagine if you will... saying that and stomping your foot for emphasis. I recently attended a delivery that when push came to shove (literally), she just took this stance and eventually, we went to the hospital and she ended in a c-section. It was definitely one of those days where I leave wondering why I am a midwife! However... I always ask God to reveal to me what I can learn from my laboring mamas. Nothing came to mind too quick on this one... however by the next morning I found myself at a point of frustration between Joe and I that seems to come up over and over again in our marriage... and I so felt inwardly like stomping my foot and just telling God I just didn't WANT to deal anymore! lol... hmmm... instantly that little conviction light went off! Just like my laboring mom, I could choose to not push through the pain and get my reward, or... I could cop out and miss out on the amazing growth that can take place (if I'm willing!) Anyway, maybe it only makes sense to those who have experienced that moment in birth where it's a choice to push through the pain. (Or maybe you've experienced it in LIFE!)
Anyway.... I like birth, God teaches me many things through it! :) And even after all of this... I still love my job!

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